a 6-month group coaching membership for creative expansion

Opening yourself to your natural creative flow is the secret to that elusive state of EXPANSION. It's a way of living where both your outlook and output are completely transformed, allowing you to connect with a never-ending flow of inspired direction. When you follow the call of your divine purpose you step into a life vibrantly lived within your zone of genius -- a life you can't help but be head-over-heels obsessed with.

A limitless flow of power and inspiration is patiently waiting for you to claim it.

Did you know that you are magic?

Because expansion is an adventure in being radicallyYOU.

You don't have to be a traditional artist to live a creative life. In fact, creativity transcends talent, calling, and niche. It's a practice of leaning into your left brain, feminine energy and playfully exploring new ideas and ways to experience your inner and outer worlds. And it changes everything.

Creative energy is the magical tether that connects the dots of your life, and dictates whether that life is lived in muddy shades of black and white or in radiant technicolor. It's the electricity that keeps the lights on in your life, and connects your current life to your dream life.

And creativity isn't about art...
It's about LIVING.

✔︎ I can do anything.
✔︎ I thrive on a challenge.
✔︎ My life is an exciting adventure.
✔︎ I am worthy beyond my output.
✔︎ I am surrounded by support.
✔︎ I embrace the kaleidoscope of life.
✔︎ I'm overflowing with inspiration.
✔︎ I am confident in who I am.


✘ I could never do that.
✘ It's way too hard.
✘ I'm scared of the unknown.
✘ I'm not doing enough.
✘ I feel so alone in this journey.
✘ I'm burn-it-down level burned out.
✘ I feel stunted, stalled, & stuck.
✘ I rely on external validation.


👈  so now you get to decide  👉

👆 so now you get to decide, would you rather be... 👆


Just like stars hidden in the brightness of a city sky at night, your divine creativity is always there waiting to guide you even when you can't see it.

Reclaim your inspired magic so you can build your dream business & shine your brightest life.

✷ claim your magic ✷

Kicking Off Tuesday, March 5 ✷

No matter what you've been told or programmed to believe, you're not too much. In fact, it's insane how completely more than enough you actually are. Inside of you lies infinite power and possibility, if you only know how to access it.

It's not about working harder or selling more - it's about reclaiming your life to live in the way that you are uniquely meant to be living. It's time to step into your purpose, wholly and creatively. It's about not sitting on the sidelines of your own life anymore. It's time to connect the dots within yourself, and with the forces outside of you, that allow you to expand past your real or imagined limitations.

It's about allowing yourself to simply be.

It's not about learning to be more.

You know it's time to focus on creative expansion when...


💫 You want to feel like a ROCKSTAR in your business.
😅 You feel super stuck in the everyday grind, and at a loss for how to get out of the spiral.

💫 You work hard not to be distracted and to stay on track towards hitting those goals.
😅 Trying to live out someone else's arbitrary idea of consistency and success has left you feeling uninspired, bored, or overwhelmed.

💫 You're so ready to feel more confident in your abilities and passion in your every day.
😅 You're secretly afraid that you're always going to be stuck, low on time, and afraid that changing anything will topple the already delicate house of cards you've built.

💫 You feel like you're on the verge of something BIG, and you feel the call in your bones.
😅 You already feel overwhelmed and without support  to move through the discomfort and challenges that may come with your exciting new path.

Together, we'll spend the next six months in vibrant community, supporting one another to go all-in on activating our personal magic, healing our blocks to open our creativity, recapturing alignment between our right & left brains / masculine & feminine energy, & quantum leaping to our beyond-imagination dream lives.

We're flipping all the scripts to create a new, vibrant normal for ourselves, our families, and our clients.

we'll focus on three main things to call in our expansion:

we'll focus on three main things to call in our expansion... 

Each month we'll focus on one piece of the Starlight Framework, three buildable and repeatable themes that will propel us into our limitless lives. Moving through the complete framework a total of two times in our six months together means we'll create real momentum in creating a lifestyle of expansion. 🔥

braving the wilderness of our hidden selves, using shadow work and somatic healing tools to acknowledge our most authentic selves without judgment

Venture into the Darkness


recharging our creative batteries while embracing our true passions and purpose, so that we can each call in the most audacious vision of our individual dream realities

Learn to Navigate by the Stars


using our creativity as rocket fuel and our vision as our new coordinates, we'll be able break free from the constraints of our current orbit and into our new expansive adventure

Launch into the Cosmos


everything your 6 month membership includes

🖤 pre-recorded Meditations
🖤 live breathwork Access

Sydney McCotter-Bicknell, Photographer

”The Starlight Circle is a gift for those of us feeling blocked or disconnected from ourselves or passions. Between breathwork, journaling, workshops, group coaching, and tips for living creatively - there’s something for everyone in here!"

Lindsey Reiter, Maker & Craft Seller

"Not only has Hannah given me great business advice, pushed me out of my comfort zone, & made me dive deep; but she’s also given us this amazing community of fiery, hilarious women who hype one another up!"

Jamee Crooks, Postpartum Coach

"I had no idea how many breakthroughs I would make in the Starlight Circle! Hannah saw my potential, and helped me move into something I didn't think was possible."

Jade Kittoria, Small Biz Mentor

"Everyone needs a Hannah! She taught me the confidence to stop second guessing my ability to actually take action on bringing my dreams and goals to life."

✷ Join the Starlight Circle Now ✷

✷ Expert Training
✷ Virtual Wrap Party


Deeper into the cosmos

✷ Group Coaching
✷ Expert Training


INTRO TO Launching into the Cosmos

✷ Group Coaching
✷ Expert Training


Deeper into to exploring the darkness

✷ Group Coaching
✷ Guest Expert Training

Deeper into to navigating by the stars


✷ Group Coaching
✷ Guest Expert Training

Learn to navigate by the stars


✷ Welcome & Kick-Off Party
✷ Shadow Work Workshop

Venturing into the darkness


Take a peek at the forecast over the next six months...

Get a sneak peek at what's in store for the first 3 months of our schedule...

Spoiler Alert

* Full schedule deets dropping SO soon! *

✷ Welcome & Kick-Off Party
✷ Shadow Work Workshop



✷ Group Coaching Session
✷ Guest Expert Training on Vision Casting
✷ Live Breathwork



✷ Creative Living Workshop & Group Coaching
✷ Co-working Session
✷ Virtual Halloween Party



I have limitless magic inside of me.

I have the power to create an expansive life.

I am a creative being.

When things inside you change, things around you change.

Hi, I'm Hannah, your creative expansion guide! In addition to my years in the small business world, I'm certified as a life and business coach as well as a meditation and breathwork practitioner. I've lived the "my business is my whole life" story, and I gotta say... it blows!

Now I practice aligning with my unique wiring, energy, and vision; and I'll help you to do the same, because you deserve to be completely obsessed with the one-of-a-kind life you get to live. Let's spend the next six months together creating your ultimate work less, make more, and live more life!


A note to those of us who may be wired a little differently... 

As late diagnosed neurodivergent who also struggles with chronic illness, I understand how difficult it can be to operate in a world that simply wasn't designed for you. These experiences have absolutely shaped how this program (and my others) have evolved, and as I continue to learn more about how to best support all my neuro-spicy and energy-challenged babes, we will continue to make this group as safe, supportive, and accessible as possible. 💖

While we will talk about business at times and most of the women who join will be business owners (or aspiring), it's not a requirement to be a member. The Starlight Circle is for any woman who is ready to step into the next phase of their expansive life whether that an involves a business or not.

And whether you realize it or not, you already are creative! It's an innate piece of us all, but don't worry if you don't feel creative yet - this membership will help you to unlock your inspiration and reclaim your inner artist.

In addition to the many pre-recorded trainings you will find already available to you inside of the membership community (covering topics such as reconnecting with your intuition, romanticizing your life, and releasing resistance to name a few), we will have a variety of expert trainings and workshops to help you in three main areas to unlock your expansion: uncovering our true selves, plugging into our purpose and intuition, and cultivating an inspired life of passion and play.

We'll be diving into things like releasing shame and welcoming vulnerability, how to get to the root of your hurdles, the power of your breath to rewire your subconscious, and SO much more.

Every month we will have 2 live group sessions inside of the Starlight Circle: group coaching and expert trainings. Our live sessions will be a mix of different days and times each month, typically during typical business hours (Eastern Standard Time). We know our members are joining from an array of different locations and time zones, and hope that by scheduling our sessions for a variety of times that it will provide everyone an equal opportunity to be able to join as many live sessions as possible.

All expert trainings will have a replay provided for anyone who is unable to join us live. Group coaching sessions replays will not be shared in order to protect the sense of safety to vulnerably show up in our support calls.

Every single week we will provide you with 5-10 reflection prompts. These are meant to help keep the Starlight Framework principles top of mind, and assist you in creating your personal transformation in between live sessions.

You can expect a mix of shadow work and vision work prompts to help you reconnect with yourself, your purpose, and your creativity. These are not "homework assignments" meant to give you more to-do's on top of you already busy schedule, but rather tools for you to use when able / as you feel led. (And trust us -- once you begin experiencing the magic of these weekly prompts helping you to be more yourself, you won't want to skip them!)

Both members and mentees have full access to all Starlight Circle group events, trainings, and online community spaces.

Mentees also get the additional benefit of working 1:1 with me (Hannah) throughout the 6 months of the program. When you join the mentorship you receive two private 60-minute coaching calls that can be used at any time throughout the program duration. Mentees also get private Voxer text and voice messaging access to Hannah for ongoing, personalized coaching support outside of their private or group calls.

Due to the high-touch nature of the mentorship, only three spots are offered at a time. 

No, we don't offer cancellations or downgrades. This isn't a program you'll want to join for a month or two and then cancel - becoming a member of the Starlight Circle is a 6-month commitment to yourself. If you're not ready to invest in yourself for the next 6 months (financially or energetically), then it may not be a good fit for you at this time. 

While there is potential that you could upgrade from a membership to a mentorship in the future should Hannah's availability increase, we cannot guarantee it. If you think you'd do better with the mentorship option then we definitely recommend locking your spot in now!

If you join as a member or mentee and decide you would like to move into even higher support with Hannah's full 1:1 coaching program Master Your Magic (including twice-monthly calls and unlimited Voxer access), please send us a message to inquire as to availability and options.

✷ let's go ✷

Get a sneak peek into the Starlight Circle experience with this free masterclass all about introducing you to our life-changing framework.

Still on the fence?

I think you'll find this illuminating, babe.

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Drop your name and email to join our email besties for exclusive content, free resources, and first dibs on all the magic.

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Ready to unapologetically own your power so you can build your dream business and shine your brightest freaking life? Get a sneak peek into the Starlight Circle experience with this free, value-packed class. 🔥